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Updating Neos Why When and How - Karsten Dambekalns

#neos #cms #update Neos is continuously developed further and new releases are done regularly. But why should I upgrade my site? And when should I do it? Last but not least, how (hard is it?) Answers to these questions are based on years of upgrading a wide range of setups, from current to (very) legacy! Some people never upgrade – until their hoster tells them, that PHP 5.6 will be switched off. never, ever use a dot-zero release and wait for the first few bugfix releases. automate updates and deploy them to production untested. All of these have a reasoning behind them, and I’ll try to look into them and explain what I think about them. That should help you find the way that fits you and your project (and is “correct”, as far as I am concerned). After I hopefully answered the question about why and when one should upgrade Neos setups, the question of how to upgrade remains. I’ll try to answer that, too, by drawing from the experience gathered during the past years. Of course, there is no silver bullet or proven recipe that caters to all those needs, but expect some guidelines to help you with your next update! I have been upgrading small and big sites with a pretty wide range of complexity. Some had next to no 3rd party packages, others had massive amounts of Fusion code or used complex PHP code to integrate with external systems. Some were upgraded regularly, rarely leaving out a release, while others had skipped as much as three major releases.

April 29, 2022