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TresJS, a declarative way of creating 3D scenes from Vue components

Alvaro Saburido presented this talk at Vue.js Live 2023 in London: "Meet TresJS ▲ ■ ●, a declarative way of bringing the magic of ThreeJS using everyday Vue Components and composables. Think of it as React-three-fiber or Lunchbox but without the need of a custom renderer. It just works. Are you ready to add a new dimension to your Vue Apps?" Ready to master Vue.js? With weekly Vue js tutorials on the latest topics, and exclusive content with Evan You (the creator of Vue), Vue Mastery is the ultimate learning resource for Vue developers to level-up their skills. Watch more free Vuejs tutorials 👉 https://www.vuemastery.com/courses 0:00 Intro 2:43 ThreeJS 3:19 React-three-fiber 3:57 TroisJS & Lunchbox 4:37 TresJS 6:14 Getting started 8:46 Adding an Object 10:18 From ThreeJS Instances to Components 11:45 Demonstration 16:52 Cientos package 17:56 Levioso (Float) 18:14 TresJS EcoSystem 18:55 Resources

May 5, 2023