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Tips and tricks on platform-code implementation in .NET MAUI | .NET Conf 2022

.NET MAUI allows developers to integrate native code to extend the look and feel of mobile applications. On the one hand, you can customize a cross-platform control (or create new views) with native look and feel using Handlers. On the other hand, you can write your own code to access platform-specific APIs. In order to get the best of these capabilities, you must learn some concepts (handlers, property mappers, conditional compilation, multi-targetting) which can be overwhelming. The goal of this session is to provide tips on how to simplify the implementation of platform-specific code in .NET MAUI by using interfaces and partial classes, of course, with a cool demo. https://www.dotnetconf.net #DotNet #dotnetconf #dotnet7 πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈπŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ Get your questions answered on the Microsoft Q&A for .NET: https://aka.ms/dotnet-qa 🏫 Learn C#, F#, and .NET with free self-guided learning from Microsoft Learn: https://aka.ms/learndotnet

November 14, 2022