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Thomas Shone - Security Theatre

This is not your normal security talk. Sure we talk about secure communication and the importance of hashing and encrypting (and why rolling your own is never a solution). We might even get frisky and cover some more interesting topics like true randomness, timed attacks and social engineering. But what we're really interested in is understanding what that hacker is trying to do on your site, what the motivation is and, using this, understand where you need to be vigilant. We're also going to talk about the results from an ongoing 4 year project to see just how vulnerable the average consumer website is. Theodore Sturgeon famously said 90% of everything is crud, we'll get to see just how close we come to that number. So if you're ready to see how scary the dark depths of security can be and just how scary it is when you look up and see all the leaky boats above us is, this is for you.

February 18, 2016