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Slashing Performance Bottlenecks and Poor User Experience - Henri Helvetica

In 2023, React turned ten. In these ten years, we have seen an unprecedented amount of capabilities on the web, allowing for much more we had ever imagined. This has made the internet a near indispensable resource. We can pay utility bills, pay for clothing, pay for a flight to Brussels, but sadly — some people have been paying an additional cost: poor user experience. The modern web is complicated, comprised of many moving parts and has led to challenging congestion. Combined with behavioural data, getting bytes down to users is rife with bottlenecks. ‘Slashing Performance Bottlenecks’ is a look at the modern web and it’s performance, with an emphasis on React, the performance data as we see it, and what these data points mean to quotidian users and their user experience.

October 13, 2023