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Keynote: Kent C. Dodds - The Web's Next Transition

React Miami 2023 Keynote: The Web's Next Transition by Kent C. Dodds The web. What started as a document sharing platform has evolved into an application platform. The web has been through a number of transformations over the years. From static HTML files to dynamic server-generated HTML responses. Then to REST or GraphQL APIs consumed by JavaScript-heavy clients with the Jamstack. The web is entering a completely new transformation. Modern infrastructure and techniques have changed the rules of what it means to make an excellent user experience. In this new future, what's old is new and what's modern is lacking. In this keynote, Kent C. Dodds will show you how this transformation will impact your user experience, your development productivity, and your business goals. The future of the web is distributed. It's faster. It's cheaper. It's exciting. Kent will show you what you can do to stay in front of it (and no, I'm not talking about web3 or web5 ). React Miami is the Ultimate React Conference On the Planet with Top Leading Experts educating, endless fun and Networking. Attended by 500 React Enthusiasts in the best tech city of America. All React Miami Speaker Recordings are made possible by 8base. 8base is the first full-stack Low Code built for JavaScript developers. 8base handles all the work you don't want to, so you can have fun coding again. 👉 Try 8base today: https://www.8base.com/?utm_source=React+Miami&utm_medium=sponsorship&utm_campaign=try+8base&utm_content=live+stream Powered by https://jswordconference.com - https://www.g2i.co/ and https://passionatepeople.io #reactmiami2023 #jsworld #jsworldconference #javascript #reactjs #angular #react #vuejs #vue #vue3 #typescript #graphql #jamstack #amsterdam #conference #svelte #sveltejs #next #nextjs #staticsite #css #html #tech #programming #reactmiami

April 18, 2023