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Jeremy Quinton - Devops for PHP Developers

2014 is the 5 year anniversary after the idea of Devops was born. To paraphrase a quote from http://devopsdays.org/ "Back then we didn't know we were going to change the IT industry. Devops has gone from an underground, to a wide mainstream industry adopted idea." Incredibly even after 5 years we still don’t have all the answers and in an industry that changes so rapidly it's important to grasp and understand the core concepts of what devops is about so that you can take your organisation or development team forward. My talk will dispel some myths, cover fundamental ideas and tools you can embrace, mainly from a developers perspective. Ideally I hope to inspire developers to implement devops practices correctly within their teams. Whether you are seasoned professional, or amateur, my talk should have something for everyone. https://speakerdeck.com/jeremyquinton/devops-for-php-developers

February 19, 2015