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Faster application development with CakePHP 3.0 - jose_zap

CakePHP 3 comes with a brand new ORM, built from scratch to take advantage of advanced SQL features and with the goal of being able to produce complex queries with ease in mind. This workshop will present several real-life examples of data retrieval using the new ORM and will weigh its advantages over using plain SQL or other libraries available in the market https://joind.in/11946 Slides : http://www.slideshare.net/josezap1/faster-develoment-with-cakephp-3 Cette vidéo vous a plu ? Adhérez à l'AFUP pour soutenir son activité : http://afup.org/pages/site/?route=vie-associative/56/devenir-membre Captation & montage : http://www.dfusion.fr/

October 29, 2014