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Droidcon Italy 2017 // Write once, ship multiple times - Zeljko Plesac

"Code once, rebrand and ship it multiple times" – sounds like a dream come true. Whitelabel apps have many advantages: there is only one codebase to maintain, all changes have to be made only once (new features, bug fixes)… By rebranding the UI, you can get completely different apps with different UX. This shouldn’t be so complicated, right? This talk will cover best practices in making white-label apps, demonstrate common mistakes and pitfalls, and show what we’ve learned through our own experience in the last couple of years with all the changes that happened in the world of Android development. “Code once, rebrand and ship it multiple times” – sounds like a dream come true. Whitelabel apps have many advantages: there is only one codebase to maintain, all changes have to be made only once (new features, bug fixes)… By rebranding the UI, you can get completely different apps with different UX. This shouldn’t be so complicated, right?

April 6, 2017