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DjangoCon US 2017 - Keynote - Testing in Django by Ana Balica

DjangoCon US 2017 - Keynote - Testing in Django by Ana Balica The Django documentation section on testing starts with this: “Automated testing is an extremely useful bug-killing tool for the modern Web developer.” Nobody can argue with that. Testing is an integral part of modern software development, and Ana’s talk will offer an in-depth overview of how the Django testing framework evolved; showcase some common techniques, tools, and best practices; talk about speed improvements; and guide you through a real-world example of testing a Django app. Testing is fun, isn’t it? This talk was presented at: https://2017.djangocon.us/talks/keynote-2/ LINKS: Follow Ana Balica 👇 On Twitter: https://twitter.com/anabalica Official homepage: https://ana-balica.github.io Follow DjangCon US 👇 https://twitter.com/djangocon Follow DEFNA 👇 https://twitter.com/defnado https://www.defna.org/

August 14, 2017