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Daniel Kelly - Common Mistakes in Vue and Nuxt and How to Avoid Them

He is the Lead Instructor and content creator at Vue School where he enjoys helping other developers reach their full potential. Over the years, he’s worked with technologies like Vue.js, Nuxt.js, Laravel, and more, to create projects ranging from simple websites to enterprise-level applications. Building apps with Nuxt is a delight, but there are some common gotchas you should look out for! In this talk, let’s take a look at some common mistakes that lead to bugs, wasted time, and frustration for Nuxt developers. Topics include: the v-for key attribute, defining reactive state, failing to clean up event listeners, useFetch the wrong way, and more! Many of the mistakes you’ve probably been guilty of yourself (I know I have!). Learn strategies for making the same mistake twice or learn from my own mistakes and the mistakes of others from the community. Attend largest online Vue.js Conference for free! https://vuejsnation.com/ The official certification of competence for the Vue.js Framework https://certification.vuejs.org/ Do you want to master Nuxt 3? Mastering Nuxt 3 Course https://masteringnuxt.com/nuxt3 Ready to master the Officially recommended State Management solution for Vue.js? Mastering Pinia Course https://masteringpinia.com/ Contact us team@vueschool.io

October 18, 2023