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Building Sub States w/ NgRx Selectors | Brandon Roberts

NgRx provides Angular developers a framework for managing your application state in a reactive way. Actions provide an expressive way to manage state and trigger state changes, along with immutability enforced by reducers as pure functions. One of the real advantages of NgRx comes in the form of selectors. Selectors provide simple but powerful ways to efficiently get, derive, and compose view models for your application. This talk takes a deeper look at NgRx selectors, with examples and advanced features such as memoization and custom selectors. ng-conf is a three-day Angular conference focused on delivering the highest quality training in the Angular JavaScript framework. 1500+ developers from across the globe converge on Salt Lake City, UT every year to attend talks and workshops by the Angular team and community experts. Follow us on twitter https://twitter.com/ngconf Official Website: https://www.ng-conf.org/

May 1, 2019