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Alexander Lichter: unjs - Unified JavaScript solutions

🎀 Speaker: Alexander Lichter πŸ“— Description: JavaScript can run almost anywhere nowadays - in the browser, on the server, in lambdas, and on the edge. And so do our Vue and Nuxt applications! Talking about Nuxt - Already when developing Nuxt2, the goal was to keep the core lean and release additional functionalities as Nuxt modules, or as separate packages. This decouples the functionalities and makes features easier to test. With Nuxt3, this pattern has been enforced further! At the time of writing, the unjs organisation contains more than 60 repositories, most of them being universally usable packages for the JavaScript and TypeScript ecosystem. Many of them are direct dependencies of Nuxt (2 and 3) but also other popular frameworks like Razzle or Next.js. But they can also come in very handy for building typical 'userland' projects. During the talk, we won't build our own Nuxt, but we will take a look at some of the unjs packages and how they can be beneficial for your own projects, be it a module or a web application! πŸ‘‰ More: https://conf.vuejs.de/talks/unjs-unified-javaScript-solutions/ πŸ’š About vuejs.de Conf: The vuejs.de Conf is proudly organized by the vuejs.de Team + friends from the frontend community. It's our mission to bring the german and european vue communities together. ⬇️ Links: Website: https://conf.vuejs.de Twitter: https://twitter.com/vue_js_de 🏷️ Tags: #vuejs #vuejsdeconf2022

October 5, 2022