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"Accelerating Web Development with Mock Service Worker" by Sean McQuaid

Mock Service Worker (MSW) is a powerful tool for speeding up development and testing by intercepting and modifying network requests. In this talk, we will explore the benefits of using MSW and how it can be leveraged to streamline your development process. We will cover best practices for implementing MSW, including how to use it for both testing and local development. Additionally, we will discuss real-world examples of how MSW has been used to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of development teams. Speaker Bio: Sean McQuaid is a Senior Software Engineer on the Customer Technology Solutions team at Chick-fil-A. Prior to learning how to code, he attended music school and played the trumpet professionally for over a decade. Sean is very passionate about testing, performance, and tools that provide a good developer experience. https://remix.run/conf/2023/speakers/sean-mcquaid

May 9, 2023