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Nuxt Nation
Nuxt Nation 2022
Nuxt Nation 2022
16 - November 17, 2022
Discover the 15 talks of this edition.
Nuxt 3 Stable Release Announcement by Sébastien Chopin
Sébastien Chopin
Error Handling in Nuxt 3 by Michael Thiessen
Michael Thiessen
Introduction to Vue Macros by Kevin Deng (三咲智子)
Creating custom DevTools for your app by Paul Melero
How Nuxt 3 is allowing us to build faster applications? by Filip Rakowski
Leveling Up Nuxt: Nuxt 2 - Nuxt 3 by Daniel Kelly
Multi-variant apps with Nuxt 3 by Alexander Lichter
Alexandre Lichter
Build & Deploy Mobile Apps with Nuxt Ionic by Cecelia Martinez
Nuxt Insiders LIVE Panel: Nuxt Nation 2022
Nuxt and Vite Core Teams LIVE panel
Nuxt as the backbone of a scalable e-commerce platform by Joran Quinten
Add 3D to your Nuxt site using ThreeJS by Alvaro Saburido
UnJS: Nuxt 3 behind the scenes by Pooya Parsa
Supercharged SEO head management for Nuxt + Practical SEO tips by Harlan Wilton
Beyond Static: Building with Nuxt 3 and Nitro by Daniel Roe
Daniel Roe